Elisabetta Zegna

Thanks to her devotion to social issues, as well as to her passion for India, since 2023 she has supported 17 children long distance, some of whom are now young adults with degrees and were able to enter the world of work. She put a special personal focus on the start of the program of female empowerment. She has been the President of CARE TO ACTION since September 20th, 2020.

Tomaso Carraro

Executive Chairman of Carraro Group, he has an international management background. He earned an Economics MBA at Chicago University and has supported CARE TO ACTION since 2009, serving two terms as President, from 2016 to 2020.

Giancarla Fassina

Administration & Control Director of Carraro Group until March 2019, she cooperates with numerous initiatives and solidal events promoted within the volunteering field.

Dario Bianchini

Lawyer specialized in Commercial Law, he started supporting CARE TO ACTION projects in 2001. As of 2016 he is part of the Board.

Chiara Mazzi

Business consultant, she is one of the very first volunteers of CARE TO ACTION- and has already covered the role of Operations Director in 2019/2020.


Gabriella Andreazzo; Curzio Belloni; Antonio Coassin; Massimo Dian; Franco Martina; Marco Pilati; Franco Schiavon; Graziella Vigo (Presidente emerita); Giancarlo Zambonin.


Eri Bertsou; Dario Bianchini; Tomaso Carraro; Enrico Castellani; Maria Cristina Cereser; Roberto Colombo; Elena Comin; Francesco Cortese; Mary Delange; Giancarla Fassina; Carlos Fiel; Assunta Galbiati; Alviero Martini; Monica Mattiolo; Chiara Mazzi; Emanuela Niada; Paola Ravenna; Michele Rossi; Flavia Salmaso; Willy Schnyder; Gloria Targetti; Massimo Trabaldo Togna; Arnaldo Zappa; Giorgia Zappa; Elisabetta Zegna.


Cristiana Bonzi; Federica Bortolami; Nadia Chioatto; Palmira Cobai; Bruna De Battisti; Francesca Filosa; Deborah Garris; Gabriella Giordano; Giovanna Longoni; Gabriella Magrini; Guido Mazzucato; Simonetta Galbiati Palumbo; Donatella Pellini; Giorgio Pulici; Vito Ricciulli; Roberta Rocchi; Pietro Tarallo; Maria Giovanna Testolin; Giovanna Vitali; Anna Zegna di Monte Rubello; Benedetta Zegna.


Enrico Castellani (Presidente); Roberto Colombo; Rosario Zaccà; Giorgia Zappa.


Antonio Benci
General Director

Part of CARE TO ACTION since 2002, economist by education, has visited India since 1999. Director of the Venice office since 2005, he has covered the role of General Director since 2018 and, together with the members, Board of Directors and the whole Italian and Indian teams, gave his contribution to that riorganization and transformation process that turned the association into a more structured reality, with integrated and sustainable projects. In addition to his work in the field of cooperation, he is an expert of contemporary history at Ca’ Foscari, focusing on youth movements in the 1960s, among which international volunteering.

Giovanna Fortuni
Operations Manager

She has over 20 years of experience in international cooperation, working in several countries in Latin America, Asia and Africa. During this time she has held various positions including Project Manager, Country Manager, Regional Coordinator and finally Technical Advisor for various European NGOs. She is currently based in Venice, where she holds the position of Operations Director at CARE TO ACTION, providing technical and strategic advice for cooperation and development projects in India.

Pamela Baldan
Sponsorship Manager

With a degree in Science of Society and Social Services, she has been in charge of the CARE TO ACTION Long Distance Support program since 2009, managing and monitoring SAD and communication between beneficiaries and sustainers. This project is dear to her heart as it really makes the difference for children, families and communities involved in the activities of CARE TO ACTION.

Vera Cassetti
Finance Manager

A 20-year experience in an accounting, fiscal and taxing consulting firm specialized in the Third Sector. With CARE TO ACTION since 2017, she carefully manages the whole accounting and administration portfolio for the Venice office and monitors the activities of the India office.

Giovanna Mantegazzini
Communication Manager

A degree in Public Relations and Advertisement, she worked 20 years in a communication agency following several national and international clients. Juror with Premio Tecnico della Pubblicità Mediastars for two consecutive years. Since 2024 she has been working with CARE TO ACTION to promote and spread awareness on activities and projects for the growth and change of the weaker.

Sara Quaglia
Project Manager

She has a degree in International Relations and Human Rights, with a master’s in designing for international cooperation. Fond of the human rights subject, for 10 years she has been working on projects in favour of women, that she considers the pillar of many societies, and children, that represent for her the hope for the future.

Annalisa Nava
Desk India Manager

With CARE TO ACTION since 2023, she has a degree in International Relations with major in International Crime and Sociology. She has worked for years in international cooperation. Fond of matters such as genre and human rights, she has lived among Europe, Middle-East, Central African and India, working on projects dedicated to women, peace-building and social inclusion. Today she is in charge of operations coordination, supervising and monitoring of our projects in India.