
Browsing our web site does not imply the processing of your personal data.


Anyway, this web site – as well as all related web sites of Care & Share Italia Onlus-ONG – apply technical, profiling and third parties cookies in order to improve your browsing experience, track anonymous but structured traffic statistics (Google Analytics), collect information – upon your consent – on your liking, habits, choices, so as to send you messages, information and communications adequate to your interests only.


Cookies are text strings web sites record on your device (laptop, smartphone, tablet) memory when you browse a web site. They have several purposes, such as for instance browsing experience improvement and preferences track, in order for you to receive promotions in line with your interests only.


In this web site we apply the following cookies:


Technical or session cookies to support an easy and fast browsing of our web site

Analytics cookies to collect structured information and create overall statistics about the number of visitors and how visitors browse the web site and its functionalities. The gathered information has no personal scope since it is collected and analysed anonymously.


We do apply Google Analytics cookies as below:


Profiling cookies: to track users’ browsing experience and collect information about their preferences, liking, choices for retargeting on Facebook and inside Google. Through these cookies, users can receive advertising messages relevant to the personal interests raised up during their browsing experience. This process is subject to the user’s consent;


Third parties cookies: these cookies are set up by a web site, which differs from the one the user is currently browsing. In this web site you can find the share buttons towards social networks (Facebook, Twitter) and, in some cases, with content embed from YouTube. All these platforms apply their own cookies for user’s recognition. Care & Share does not have any agreement with any of these platforms and does not control the access or retention to third parties cookies.


For more information, you can read the privacy policies of:





It is always possible to deactivate all cookies or choose the specific sites from which to accept them. Each browser follows different procedures:

Microsoft Windows Explorer

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Apple Safari


You can learn more about the legislation that regulates this matter on the Guarantor’s website and find further information on cookies on and

From our side, we will never use cookies to bother you, but only to optimize your browsing experience on this site and to show you contents in line with your interests.

Cookies used for the website:

COOKIE NAME: wordpress_test_cookie

OWNER: WordPress

DESCRIPTION: This cookie is used by WordPress to test the functioning of browser cookies.

DURATION: Session.



OWNER: Google Analytics

DESCRIPTION: This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning them a randomly generated number as a customer identifier. It is included in every page request on the site and is used to calculate visitor, session and campaign data to be used for site analytics reporting. By default it is set to expire after 2 years although this option is customizable by the website owner.

DURATION: 2 years from the visit to the page.



OWNER: Google Maps

DESCRIPTION: These cookies are used by Google Maps to store users’ preferences and information when they intend to locate locations or points of sale on the maps automatically generated by Google and integrated into the website. They are only used on pages where Google maps are shown. To learn more about the contents of the processing of cookies, we invite you to visit the Google website.

DURATION: 2 years from the visit to the page.



OWNER: Google Maps

DESCRIPTION: These are cookies used by Google Maps to store users’ preferences when viewing maps (PREF) and to track visitor’s behavior (the other cookies).

DURATION: 2 years from the visit to the page.